On Fatima anniversary, Fr. Apostoli sees atheism overtaking the West

The author of an exhaustive study on the Virgin Mary’s 1917 appearances in Portugal says her words are being fulfilled by the rise of aggressive secularism and loss of religious freedom in the West.

“Mary, as I see it, pointed out at Fatima that these things were going to happen,” said Fr. Andrew Apostoli, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal and the author of “Fatima For Today”
Read more: http://www.ewtnnews.com/catholic-news/US.php?id=4146#ixzz1aoBkS4YA

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Brief des Präsidenten des int. Fatima-Weltapostolates

Dear Friend,

On the occasion of the worldwide campaign of Adoration to the Eucharistic Jesus for the children and the youth, organized by our World Apostolate of Fatima, on October 7, Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and anniversary date of the erection of our Apostolate as a international public association of the faithful of Pontifical Right, I am sending you the text for the Children’s Holy hour, written for our Apostolate. Please try to gather children and youth for this practice, starting on the date mentioned before and continuing this devotion as many times as possible. Please, have a look at the contents of this document and use it wherever possible: in parishes, schools, universities, chapels, hospitals, communities, etc.  Thank you very much and may Our Lady in Heaven get abundant fruits for Her beloved Son Jesus Christ.

In Christ and Mary Queen,

Prof. Américo Pablo López Ortiz

International President of the World Apostolate of Fatima

Hier herunterladen: Children-and-Youth-of-the-Eucharist-before-the-Most-Blessed-Sacrament